Please use the latest version of TeamViewer-Quicksupport.
The latest version of TeamViewer-Quicksupport will be delivered with the latest eluCad version.
Alternatively, you can download the latest version using following link:
Prerequisite for remote maintenance
Before granting permission for remote maintenance, please ensure that no personal/company-related data is viewable by the support.
With the “Accept” I confirm that no personal/company related data is viewable by the support.
By “Decline” I confirm that I do not wish to receive support via remote maintenance.
Please also note our General Terms and Conditions for remote maintenance.
You can view them under the following link.
click for Terms and Conditions
fast and competent help from a specialist.
Help when there is an emergency. Quickly make sure that expensive production lines run and are not standing still. Be a problem solver for customers. This is how we see our support. We want to help fast. For this we also need the cooperation of our customers.
Which machine do you have? Which program version of the software is installed there? Is the licence still valid? – Our support first needs some basic information for each support. EluCad programming software compiles the necessary information in the so-called status protocol. This status protocol can then be sent per email to the elusoft support, supplemented with an error description.l After receipt of the email, the elusoft support person contacts the customer on their own initiative. This sequence – first receive the status protocol, then contact the customer per email or telephone – is the support procedure that we are trying to achieve. (Also refer to the pictures below “How do I send an EluCad status protocol to elusoft support?”)
![]() Important! Save, close and again open the job. |
![]() 4. Click on “Save” |
A key word is enough
When telephoning, we ask the contact person to briefly say what the problem is – a key word is sufficient. In this way the operator can immediately transfer the call to the right contact person and the caller must not repeat his request twice – once to the operator and again to the supporter. Customers who call regarding software questions are asked to send the EluCad status protocol and a short description of the error per email. There are two reasons for this:
1. Our support person then has important basic information to help quickly. If there are further questions in the ensuing time, a colleague can also complete the preliminary work if the person that had the first contact is not there.
2. Analysis of the problem description from he customer can give hints for which direction a program should be developed for market capability.
The training on eluCad programming software can also address frequently presented questions.
Callers always ge support, but perhaps not the contact person that they asked for. This could be because the desired colleague is currently at a customer for a week-long production support, for example. Or today he is working on a different job. Then a team colleague has support which can help just as competently. Behind each support person is in addition the enormous technical knowledge of the elusoft team. If the support person can really not answer a question, someone in the team knows the answer.
Fast help through the Internet
Some support questions can be cleared up right on the telephone. For other questions, elusoft support personnel can help better when they can access the customer’s own PC. Since today’s rod processing machines are usually networked and have Internet access, that’s possible – for example with TeamViewer. Our supporter provides a TeamViewer session number that the caller enters on his or her own computer. If the customer allows it, our support person can then operate the mouse on the console of the rod processing machine just as though he were right at the machine himself.
Older support staff can still remember the days when there was no Internet session option and everything had to be handled on the telephone: “Which button did you just press?”, “What just happened?” – In comparison with those times, TeamViewer or a similar program is a colossal simplification for everyone concerned.
Travel around the world
elusoft travels around the world for customers. Regardless of continent, regardless of country, regardless of how large the city is, if there is a postal address, we find our customers. It is similar too with your software problem. Regardless of where it is, we will find it. Even if the problems seem pretty big. At the end they will function again. A call is enough
Trial and error
We are glad to help, but there are some days when support is not an easy job. Everyone who has a computer standing at their work place knows: Some days the program doesn’t run the way it should. “A problem that was never there before also requires an unusual solution path,” some users think and try clicking fields. Try – and error. Quickly the operator gets lost in the breadth of the program diversity. If it doesn’t run like it is supposed to, it can cause frustration. Reactions are then as different as the people sitting in front of the PC, Sometimes badmouthing, condemning, letting go steam can happen on a Hotline call.
Solution-oriented conversation atmosphere
Because support is a difficult job which requires a lot of tact and feeling. In such cases the support person must actually be trained in psychology, to communicate to the caller that a professional problem solution is possible. In the end the support person wants only one thing: To help as fast as possible and right on target. For this, information is needed from the caller. This is best done in a friendly, solution-oriented conversational atmosphere. We try to do our part. And ask the caller to do the same.
New to the machine? Never visited an eluCad seminar?
Our support staff shouldn’t and cannot replace an eluCad seminar that users generally attend before working with an elumatec rod processing centre and eluCad software. You’ve never worked with eluCad, never visited an eluCad seminar, and you’ve noticed that you have basic questions about the program? Then we invite you to take part in an eluCad seminar. Depending on the machine model, it will take 2 to 5 days. eluCad seminars are held regularly in our well-equipped, well-lit seminar facilities in Dettenhausen near Stuttgart. Seminars can also be held at the customer’s own facilities.
If you have a software maintenance agreement for eluCad: Among its plus points are that you can claim a free spot for two days for retraining of employees once a year in an eluCad seminar. In the seminar, you’ll get plenty of valuable tips right from the source that you can use profitably in your work every day.